First I have to say! NO! We're not pregnant! This is for a customer. It's not often that I sew for others but someone on Facebook in a local group was asking where to buy a Babynest (they're not commonly sold in Taiwan), so I offered to make one.
And it's always nice to be able to "clean out" your stash a little bit. Lately I have been doubting myself a little bit. What am I really doing buying so much fabric? Taking up so much space in our home? Sure, I also have a business that I run from home (www.mrsbao.se), but a hunger for other knowledge has started to grow in me. What about learning other languages? Taking up university studies again? What about actually work where I can use the knowledge I already have? Where it actually is appreciated. I think that's the thing maybe, to be useful and appreciated. We'll see what happens...
Back to the Babynest! Isn't it cute?! I love the lace, I used two laces and sewed them together as one, and believe it or not - I actually remembered to sew on my mark! I only got a few thousands laying around (taking up space...)

I even had pink snap buttons at home. I know I just complained all the sewing stuff taking up so much space - but sometimes it's a good thing!